Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Workin' for the [New] Man

This week I submitted my resignation at Manpower after two years and 7 days with the company. I don't think I've ever really mentioned on this blog where I work. I know I hinted at it a little on a previous post but I don't believe I ever came out and said it. So there you have it. Another specific detail for you readers to enjoy.

Although it doesn't help a lot since I'm leaving there.

It was a tough decision and it was pretty awkward submitting a written resignation. They say it's the right thing to do, but I feel like I have a good enough rapport with my boss to do it verbally.

Anyway, I am very excited (and a little nervous) to say that I'm off to Wells Fargo Advantage Funds to move into a similar position I have now, only I'll have a little more control and input into the technical direction of the technology I work with. The company is looking to implement a lot of things and I'm looking forward to having a hand in that.

Also, the free lunch doesn't hurt. :)

Wish me luck please!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Think of the Consequences!

PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AP) -- Leading astronomers declared Thursday that Pluto is no longer a planet under historic new guidelines that downsize the solar system from nine planets to eight. More..

I can't believe that so-called science "experts" could be so cold to diss Pluto like this. Didn't anyone consider the consequences of this action? Who is going to write all the new text books that kids use in school? Who is going to update Trivial Persuit? I assume that there is a Pluto question in that game somewhere.

But the biggest question remains...what will happen with that famous episode of Saved By The Bell where Zach wins the Academic Bowl for Bayside by naming the NINE planets using the acronym "MVEMJSUNP" taught to him by Screech?!? We all know that Saved By The Bell will be in synidcation for the rest of our natural lives, so future generations of children will impacted by this Pluto change. They will hear that there are 8 planets in the Solar System in school, and then after watching TV they will think there are 9.

One day, one of those kids could be competing in some trivia show and lose a million dollars because of that type of misinformation! I don't know. I'm just saying that I don't think all these science dorks fully thought through the ramifications of this decision. It's bigger than all of us.

What's next? December doesn't qualify as a month anymore?? It better, I want my presents.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Just wanted to recognize some events in the lives of friends....

  • Congratulations to my friend Kyle and his new wife Jordan who were married recently in Ireland!
  • Happy Birthday (yesterday) to my good friend Amy in Dallas. (I called last night, you must have been out tearing up the town. See you this weekend though).

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Baby Talk

It's pretty much a proven fact that everyone's had that dream where you go to school in your underwear or whatever and everyone's laughing at you right? Well if you haven't, read on anyway.

So that's supposed to be one of those just humiliating experiences. Well I've found the real-life version of the most humiliating experience possible and it goes like this.

[Begin Experience]
Backdrop: Yesterday after work. In the front yard taking Olive out to go to the bathroom. She completes "the business."
Me: Trying to be supportive so she stops dumping in the house, I bend down and talk to her in the biggest baby voice I can: "GOOD girl Olive! Potty OUTSIDE! Way to go!"
Next: I stand up to notice a guy walking up now about 2 feet away from me with a smirk on his face.
Then: I say "Hey how's it going" in the deepest voice I can.
Replies: "Fine" with his smirk turning into a full smile as he walks by.
Finally: I walk Olive back to the house with MY tail between my legs.
[End Experience]

(and I know dear Kirsten that it shouldn't matter because I don't know that person and probably will never see him again but it does matter to me!)

Monday, August 21, 2006


Thanks to those of you who voted on the poll I had up about whether or not my lovely wife should have to leave public comments on my blog if she is to provide me feedback on my posts. As expected the answer "absolutely" dominated with a solid 11 votes to 7 thumping of "No, she's the boss." I will without a doubt pass this information on to Kirsten and hope she allows me to sleep inside the house tonight.

There's a new poll on the sidebar for you to consider. I didn't see the Packers first preseason game but I heard it was pretty terrible. I did however catch the game this past weekend and thought they played pretty well. These two vast differences caused great confusion and back peddling with the armchair quarterbacks I deal with at the office. After the first game, as expected, I was hearing about an upcoming one win season. Right. After the second game though, it jumped to 4 or in some cases 5 (or in my case, 9. So I'm a homer, sue me). Anyway, I'll throw it out there to you to express your thoughts.

Speaking of teams playing like sh*t, we went to the Brewers game yesterday to see them drop yet another game to a division opponent. What a letdown the Brewers have been. Their division has been pretty lousy and if there was ever a time for them to make the playoffs, it is this year but alas, it looks not to be (trying to use reverse psychology there). We're also going to the game tomorrow night so maybe they'll turn it around and start a streak to push their way into the playoffs...but I'm not holding my breath. Here's to a good week...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sidebar Poll

I wanted to add a poll to my blog just for the fun of it and when I was trying to come up with a question to ask you, the loyal reading community, only one option came to me. My wife often gives me what I will nicely refer to as "feedback" on my blog. One of the frequent "feedback" topics is my lack of pictures of us on the blog and the various pictures of things that I post.

Every time this comes up my reply is the same..."it's MY blog not OUR blog! If you would like to create a blog together we can do that but until then zip it!" Ok, so it's not quite as forceful as that. More like "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll try to change! Really!" Anyway, another comment I have is that if she's so interested in the blog, she should be like some of the other readers and leave comments on the posts! So there it is..I pose the question to you on the sidebar, "Shouldn't my wife have to leave public comments on the blog in order to give me unsolicited "feedback" on my posts?"

Please vote! Thanks!

[NOTE: I voted for "Absolutley" as a test to make sure the poll works. I'm revealing this information because I don't want any accusations of poll-tampering or hanging chads or anything like that]

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lots of Driving, Lots of Eating, Lots of Celebrating

This past weekend Kirsten and I put plenty of miles on the Jeep. We started off on Friday by driving up to Rochester, MN to visit her sister Erika for the evening. It was also Olive's first long road trip. She did well during the four and half hour ordeal spending most of the time in her kennel. She even saved the vomiting until we got to Erika's place (sorry again!). The standard Domino's pizza was ordered and enjoyed. I still don't know how those Nelson girls eat that so often.

Saturday we drove up to St. Cloud, MN (about 2 more hours of driving) during which time I realized that Minnesota people have GOT to be THE WORST drivers in the world. I can't even explain the frustration of trying to get through "the cities." Apparently, there are no traffic standards up there. And I'm not talking about laws, I'm talking about normal every day things. For example, don't pass me and then pull in front of me and slow down. I can't even tell you how many times that happened. Just ridiculous.

So we get to St. Cloud and seek refuge at the Holiday Inn. This was the location of "the surprise." It was (actually is, today) Kirsten's Mom's 50th birthday so people came from afar to surprise her and eat a lot. We came from Milwaukee, her sisters and parents came from Bismark, ND and plenty of people in between. The biggest question that surrounded the event was whether or not she would suprised and happy(?) or surprised and start swinging at relatives like Steven Segal in those 17 movies where he beats up like 20 people at one time. It was entirely possible in this case. Luckily for us, she was happy. Good times were had and plenty of food and drink enjoyed.

Sunday the immediate family (plus me) went to Buca's in Minneapolis at which much more food was enjoyed. Such a great place. And even more enjoyable when her Dad fixed the fuse in the Christmas lights they had hanging just to give the back corner we were sitting in more ambience.

Monday we drove to Merrill, WI to check out some land we are thinking about purchasing. It's 10 acres near Tug Lake up there. This was another 4 hours of driving. The decision the land is pending. After that, we started the trip back home. A short 3 and a half hour jaunt from Merrill. By the time we made it to Milwaukee, I think we were both over tired because everything suddenly seemed funny. Like the "Bee Man" driving in front of us. Sorry, you had to be there. I hope you all enjoyed your weekends!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Apologies, dog, coffee, music

[NOTE: This post was updated as I remembered that the beer I had was from Vermont so I was able to "Google it" to find the name]

[Note: This post was updated again with pictures]

My apologies dear readers for my lack of posts. Things have been pretty crazy lately at work due to a big project falling behind causing my team to make up the extra work and hours. I promise though that I am working on some nice, well thought out, posts instead of the useless drivel I've been dishing out. Except for my previous post, which was from the heart. (But it only garnered one comment...ouch baby, very ouch).

Little Miss Olive is growing bigger each day and learning all kinds of new things like going up steps, going to the bathroom outside and the ability to shake off a kick to the ribs for doing things she knows she shouldn't. She's also demostrated a taste for High Life, something that makes her daddy proud. I have some pictures to post so keep an eye out for those. Can't do it at the moment because I'm on company time and the pics are on my home laptop. ;)

Olive w/ RockyOlive w/ MomOlive Closeup
Last night Kirsten hosted her monthly (or so) book club meeting at our condo so that meant "No Boys Allowed." So I packed up my baby and grabbed the book I'm currently reading and headed out to walk the East Side in search of a place to crash for a couple hours. I badly wanted a beer but couldn't bring myself to be one of "those" people who sit in bars by themselves at night. So, I headed over to Rochambo, a coffee and tea house on Brady Street not far from our place. I have been inside there once, briefly, and so to me, this was my first "real" time there. I ordered a cup of coffee and settled in at a small table to start reading.

I have officially entered a "John Grisham Phase" in my reading. I am in the process of reading The Runaway Jury after knocking out The Broker and A Painted House over the past couple weeks. For the record, The Broker was excellent and A Painted House was just ok. I'm hoping I haven't been spoiled by the first book of his I read. I have about a dozen Grisham books now. My Dad has them all (I think) and gave me a bag full last weekend when I was up in Green Bay. Back to Rochambo...

I put on my headphones and cranked up Tom Petty's new album "Highway Companion" which is AWESOME. I was drinking my coffee when I overheard someone, even through my earphones, order a beer. My ears perked up and a smile crept across my face. They have beer here? Sweet! Now I can have the best of both worlds. I can drink beer and not feel like a deadbeat because it certainly wasn't like a "bar" atmosphere. Though I wonder if I could add it to the list?

I finished my coffee and the chapter I was on and went up to the counter. The friendly tender recommended an organic Pale Ale, which I cannot remember the name of as I type this, called Wolaver's which is brewed in Vermont, and it was tasty. So tasty that I had a second. After that I went back home at pretty much the same time book club was wrapping up. All the ladies were ooohing and aaahing over Olive. Man, what a chick magnet she is!