Monday, June 05, 2006

Jumping the Shark

I know by now "Jumping the Shark" is quite a familiar phrase but for those of you who don't know, it's the turning point of a TV show where it ceases to be enjoyable and begins it's downfall into pit of worthlessness. You know, like when Seinfeld introduced Mickey, the little person, or on 90210 when Brenda left or perhaps the most notable, Friends episode 1.

Anyway, not that I'm a reality TV buff, but The Apprentice is officially at that point. Tonight is the season finale and I can't believe the two guys that are left. One is just a butt kissing wimp and the other is a caricature of Hugh Grant complete with the sniveling and feathery hair. The prior winners, and I'm using that term very loosely here, you could see had some excellent experience and business sense, but these two are just a joke. To think one of them would actually take over one of Donald Trump's companies is ridiculous. Time for Donald to hang up this venture and go back to tending real estate. Yea I know...I talk tough but I'll probably end up watching it tonight.

Update (10:15 PM): I held tough and didn't watch the finale of The Apprentice where it appears the Englishman won. Instead I chose to watch the Brewers finally snap their 8-game losing streak by beating the Padres 5-2 with Chris Capuano getting the win and Derrick Turnbow getting back on track and picking up the save.


Blogger Orchid Lover said...

That's hilarious that you referenced 90210. :) I agree with the 2 that were left. Both are just ridiculous and I have to say, of the remaining, the Englishman was the lesser of two evils. The other guy was just useless and kissed a$$ to stay out of the fire. Time for Trump to move on, agreed

6/06/2006 8:26 AM  
Blogger Orchid Lover said...

*note* "I agree with you about the 2 that were left" not what I actually said :)

6/06/2006 8:27 AM  
Blogger Babsy said...

don't diss 90210--i have fond memories surrounding that show followed by party of five. that was a great night of tv back in the days...

6/06/2006 9:12 AM  
Blogger ab said...

I liked the Apprentice for approximately 1.5 seasons. It seems like the first season of a new reality show is usually pretty good. Then they find that one aspect of the show that they think people want to see, and focus on nothing but that in the following seasons. So annoying.

But, I have to agree with babsy on the 90210 comment. That was church to me back in the day...Brenda or no Brenda.

6/06/2006 10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

90210? The only thing I remember about that show was that guys who had girlfriends who didn't watch the show occasionally got "some" and guys who's girlfriends watched the show got BlueBalls no matter how much hair gel crap they used.

6/06/2006 11:13 AM  
Blogger Mr. Interesting said...

Tivo'd it, watched it, wish Trump would've said, you're both fired!!!

6/06/2006 12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friends Episode 1? I think not, my friend! That's a great show - all ten years of it!! :)

6/06/2006 4:44 PM  

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