Monday, November 10, 2008

i loved you in...part 1

So this is a post that I have been wanting to write for quite a while now that could turn into a recurring "game" on this here blog. It's called "I loved you in..." The premise is that if I were ever to meet any of the celebrities mentioned here in real life, I would say "Oh, [celebrity], I loved you in [small bit part from early in his/her career]" while that person would probably think you were going to mention his or her most popular role. Obviously the bigger the role that made the celebrity the most famous combined with the smallest bit part he/she had to play early on in his or her career the better.

For example, the first celebrity that got me thinking of this little game was Billy Zane (pictured) of Titanic fame. (Man, I can't even type Titanic without that terrible Celine Dion song popping into my head) So after Titanic, Billy Zane was "king of the world" so to speak having turned in a nice performance as the a-hole fiancee of Kate Winslet. Behold, exhibit A:

Kate: "Half the people on this ship are going to die"
Billy: "Not the better half"

Total a-hole.

So after this film, Billy's star could not have been higher. Relating him to our little game here, if I were to run into Billy Zane I would say "Oh, hey Billy Zane. How are you? I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely loved your work in both Back to the Future and Back to the Future II (where he played one of Biff Tannen's buddies)! You really inspired me to become and actor after those performances."

I just think that would be really funny. You know as I started saying "I loved you in..." he would be all "this dude is totally going to commend me on my work in that file that scored 11 oscars, most of them probably because of my acting." But instead I'd be all "you ain't famous" by mentioning his two appearances in one of the most beloved trilogies of all time, in which he had a non-speaking role and a character name of "Match." Barely even a background person. Anytime you have to watch a movie twice to make sure that "yea, that was Billy Zane wasn't it!" you know it's a bit part.

So what do you think? Good game?

I hope so, because I recently found one that blows the Billy Zane one out of the water. Here's a hint.


Friday, November 07, 2008

one political post

I don't like discussing politics but since we just had a historic election, I'll post ONE political post.

Well the months and months of propaganda is finally over and we have a new president-elect. I can't say that I agreed with the choice, but it's over and I will be giving Mr. Obama my full support as I hope most of the rest country does also (which won't happen). I hope even more that he does a good job. My expectations are very low at this point given the very vague "policies" he's been touting along the way. Change, change, change...that's all you would hear. Hopefully now we'll find out what that "change" actually means and it will get the country rolling. And after watching his excellent speech following the election, I can see how millions of people flocked to him. I think being as good of a speaker as he is locks in about 10 million of the votes for any canidate. But I digress...

So why won't the rest of the country get behind hime and move forward? I'll tell you why...

It'll be interesting to see what happens when Obama takes office in respect to the internet coverage that he'll receive. One thing that always made me give President Bush the benefit of the doubt was he was really the first president that had to go through constant internet scrutiny throughout. Now, I'm not saying he was a fantastic president who was wrongly criticized or anything, but remember when we was elected there were no blogs, well maybe like 2, and news organizations didn't have writers putting up multiple columns a day. Now there are millions of blogs. Each with their own opinions about everything, this one included. No president had to go through that before. Any idiot with a computer can post his or her opinions, beliefs and even lies out to the entire world. And just like a tidal wave, if enough people are saying it, momentum builds and eventually it becomes reality, true or not.

I'm looking forward to watching what happens now that a second president will step into quicksand of the internet. We'll see how the blogosphere responds. You know there will be just as many blogs tearing him down as praising him. Why? Because it's easy. And just like news networks, it's more popular to "report" on the negative stuff than anything positive, whether it's true or not. PLUS, everyday bloggers can hide in relative anonymity. It's easy to launch opinions or lies like SCUD missiles at someone when they're coming from all sides from nowhere in particular i.e. the internet.

We'll see what happens!
