Wednesday, April 25, 2007

wishing Erin well

Blogs are a funny thing. If you read one (or many) with great frequency sooner or later you feel like you actually know the person. This is definitely the case with our friend Erin over at Play in the City whose blog I've been reading from the beginning. I've only had the pleasure of meeting her once, but through her blog it feels like I've known her. Of course, that could just be because of her numerous wedding posts. Zing! Sorry, Erin. Yesterday however, much to the dismay of her legions of readers, Erin announced that she will be giving up her throne as Play in the City's queen.

For the past 2 years, Erin has been Milwaukee resident's "woman on the scene" helping bring some interest (and hopefully some customers) to some of Milwaukee's lesser known gems and activities like the Eisner Museum, rock climbing at Turner Hall, Sea Dog sailing and the urban tadpole race just to name a few. She even risked her life for the good of the blog by going skydiving!

2 years. Ah how time flies when you're having fun. It seemed like only yesterday I was drawn to this crusader for the common good, defending her honor against those who became jealous of such small and petty things like a free computer and a camera. But, I guess that's what happens when you're featured in numerous publications for your good deeds and praised by the likes of me in MKE Online.

Apparently the folks over at VISIT Milwaukee will be holding a contest of some sort to choose her successor but like Brett Favre, her eventual exit will leave behind huge shoes to fill. Good luck in your next adventure Erin! You'll be missed!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Derek! I'm blushing!

How sweet of you to dedicate an entire post just to little old me. I think it's just wonderful that you've been reading since the very beginning and that you've never lost interest in my site! I appreciate it a ton.

I feel so lucky to have met - or at least "e-met" the people I have through the site - and I feel like I know you, too! I'm sure we'll run into each other again this summer. Heck, now that I'm not spending hours on the blog each week, I'll have more time to actually be out DOING things! (zing.)

Seriously, thank you for the post. I'm touched. :) And I'm glad you'll miss me - but I'm going to start my own blog, and I PROMISE it'll be interesting (and not wedding focused, you punk) - so hopefully we can continue our blogosphere relationship!

4/25/2007 10:22 AM  
Blogger Christi said...

Very nice post Derek =)

(From another avid Play In The City reader)

4/25/2007 10:52 AM  

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