Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Roo Take Two

I'm very excited about this.

Kirsten and I bought tickets to Bonnaroo 2007 that takes place in good old Manchester, Tennessee. You may recall we attended the event last year which was a fantastic time. Tickets went on sale last Friday and we make the snap decision to go again. Why? Because it's a ridiculously good time and the initial artist lineup is practically better than the entire lineup last year.

Only one headliner, The Police, have been announced so far..and yes, that's with Sting for all you ladies out there. Also, you do realize that the rumor that Sting can make sweet love for twelve straight hours is just that, a rumor, right? It's impossible. It's more like 12 minutes I bet, which is still impressive.

Some of the many other bands we're excited to see include Damien Rice, Regina Spektor, Wilco, The White Stripes, The Roots, Franz Ferdinand and many more. We're thinking about doing the same thing we did last year which was drive down to Nashville on the Thursday that the 'Roo starts and hang out there for the evening. Maybe we'll even be lucky enough to run into the mighty Steven Seagal again! One can only dream, but I think it's meant to be since I bought the tickets on Friday and then all weekend Under Seige and Under Seige 2 were on.

See you at the Roo!

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Blogger Babsy said...

lucky...and you'll still have time to be back and rested for summerfest.

and doesn't summerfest sound good during this blizzard? miller, saz's, and pat mccurdy...ahhhh.

3/02/2007 12:17 PM  

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