Monday, January 08, 2007

2007, bars, colbert

Happy 2007. I hope the first 8 days of this new year have treated you well. Or, if you're like me, you had a few days off for the holidays so now you're way behind in work and stressed out.

New Year's Eve at Lakefront Brewery was a great time. For a mere $35 you could drink all the yummy Lakefront beer you could, which I did. They also had a bunch of food including Kirsten's favorite and thrice weekly meal, pizza, which made her happy. King Solomon was playing and was excellent. I wasn't sure if I would like listening to Reggae music all night but they were really good.

After the party wrapped up there, our group headed over to a local favorite, Wolski's, for a couple final drinks before heading home around 3:00 AM. And since I was on vacation, I slept until 2 the next day. Ahhhhhhh.

On a somewhat related note, my friends and I have continued to make progress on the mighty list. It currently stands at 191 but a couple may have to fall off. As the list grows and becomes more of a local celebrity in it's own way, it is the feeling of all involved that I need to put some parameters around it for when the day comes and I'm invited to go on the Stephen Colbert show to discuss it. That way I'll be prepared to defend it's mightiness. An so it grows...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is Beno's?

Did you mean BENNO'S, on 74th & Greenfield?

1/09/2007 11:07 AM  
Blogger Derek said...

Yes, I meant BENNO's Mr/Mrs's been updated.

1/09/2007 12:17 PM  

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