Tuesday, December 05, 2006

On Location: Part 1

What up peeps...I'm writing to you live from San Francisco, Cali where I am out here for the week running up the expense account, er, working feverishly. While I love living in Milwaukee, something about leaving that foot of snow and barely double-digit temperatures behind and coming out here is awfully nice.

One thing I will say though, as nice as it is, these people out here are wimps. So, the morning time temperatures have been about 50 degrees. Pretty darn nice right? The answer is 'yes.' My hotel is about 3 fairly good size blocks away from the office. These past couple mornings I've worn a long-sleeve shirt and walked to work. Now for the wimpy part...most of the people that actually live here, the natives as I've been calling them which apparently isn't scoring me any free drinks or anything, are wearing what only can be described as winter coats. Come on people. Toughen up.

Oh, and listen to this. Many people downtown here are such wimps that they can't even make it to the office without curling up in a ball and catching some shut eye, blankets and all, in the cut out entrance ways to Sprint or T-Mobile storefronts. And what's up with the shopping carts? Get a backpack man!

[I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell for that last paragraph]

One great thing that makes me happy in the morning, other than my Starbucks coffee, is walking to work, through the crowded streets, listening to my iPod. I swear it feels like I'm in a commercial with my own soundtrack. This morning, in honor of the show "Lost," I walked to work listening to Damien Rice in honor of Hurley listening to it on his Discman when his batteries finally died.

(By the way, if any of the "Lost" writers are reading this, I owned a Discman and the batteries died in like an hour, not 5 episodes. I mean come on, the rest of the show is so realistic, with all those people surviving a plane crash and such, don't ruin it with those obvious things.)

Stay tuned for the next "on location" post...I have a good story...until then.


Blogger Orchid Lover said...

Glad to see you made it ok, hope the flight went well. Sounds like you picked up quite a dose of sarcasm along the way :) Yes, you are going to hell for that paragraph! haha Have a great week!

12/05/2006 5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

San Fran, sweet, stayin' for the game??

12/07/2006 8:41 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

People here are wusses, too. Brrr...it's chilly! Oh brother.

And no, you're not going to hell...maybe heck, but you can handle that. ;)


12/12/2006 4:51 PM  

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