Thursday, June 19, 2008

training and twitter

This week I have been spending my time in Brookfield at a programming training class. It is a five day class. So far (it’s now Thursday morning) I could have stayed home as it has been WAY more a lower level class than I anticipated. It appears as though today we’ll finally be touching on some topics that I want to learn more about but rather than start to pay attention now, I’ve decided to put up a blog post.

Luckily, I have internet access in the classroom because otherwise I would have stabbed my pen in my eye by Tuesday morning. Now I know training classes are for learning, but out of the nine people in this class only one other person has had any programming experience in the past four years. And I’m not talking about with this technology in particular, but ANY programming in general. Brutal. Oh, and there's an older gentleman in here that has worn the same Adidas warm up pants every day, so there's that.

Anyway, this downtime has provided me an opportunity to try out something that I've been meaning to for quite awhile now, Twitter. Twitter is a (very) popular website/application that that allows users to post brief posts or "tweets" about what they are doing at that particular time. Users can also choose to "follow" (I think "stalk" is a better word) other users to keep up to date on what they are doing. Apparently blogs and phones aren't cutting it these days. So on the various tech-geek blogs I read, some people are really into Twitter thinking it's the best thing to come along since Starbucks. I didn't get it. It sounded like a pretty lame thing to me. Why would anyone care what I was doing at that particular moment. "Hey, I'm thinking of jumping out that window" or "Hey, those enchiladas are really wearing on me. Time to hit the can."

So this week, in order to keep myself occupied, I have been using Twitter to prove or disprove it's lameness and I'm happy to report that yes, it's lame...and sad. Now don't get me wrong, even though I don't really use sites like MySpace or Facebook, I see where they can be addicting or even useful, but Twitter just doesn't cut it in those terms. For example:

Who cares?! I don't get how this is "cool" or even interesting let alone addicting as some people claim it is. Anyone else out there use Twitter? Sound off in the comments if you have.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Derek, I'm so glad to hear you found it to be lame! When I saw your post, I thought, really?

I'm all about new stuff to do on the web and to stay in touch with people, but Twitter goes too far. Seriously, updating people on your life constantly? NO ONE CARES!!

6/19/2008 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that Twitter really is ridiculous. I couldn't care less what people I don't know are doing throughout the day. Glad to hear the training week is over though. i have one coming up in August that I'm not looking forward to.

6/22/2008 5:43 PM  

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