Saturday, March 22, 2008

been a while

Back by (semi) popular demand is the blog! I hope you're as excited about it as I am, which doesn't say much I guess. Talk about a funk. I just had nothing for you. This winter is bull shit and it is bringing me down. I can't believe we got 10 more inches yesterday. I was actually angry about it all day. That's a first for me. Usually it's just an annoyance which is part of the deal when you live in Wisconsin, but enough is enough. According to the local newspaper, it's now the 2nd snowiest winter in Milwaukee history. I say that ranking is good enough. Let's not go for #1.

Today my sister Gina and her husband Chris (and dog Sophie) are coming down to visit. We're heading over to the Body Worlds exhibit at the Milwaukee Public Museum. I haven't heard much about it except that it's a bunch of dead people and it's a wildly popular exhibit. It's not exactly up my ally but I'll give it a shot. My lovely wife is of course very excited being a nurse and all. My motto is "I'll try anything twice" so we'll see what this has to offer. I'm guessing that you can't take pictures inside but I'll be sure to write up something about the experience.

Tomorrow morning we'll head to Easter mass which we'll have to get to really early since between that and Christmas, everyone that doesn't go to church all year goes on those two days. Why is that? I don't know if I ever heard a good reason for that. If you don't go all year, why go on those two days? Just seems strange to me. Anyway, after that we're heading over for brunch at Cafe Hollander which should be good. I dig that place for breakfast. I always get the Americana (2 eggs, ham, potatoes). Delicious.

That's all for now, but I promise it won't be 2 more months until the next time. It's funny how you just assume no one reads this and then I see friends and they're like "what happened to the blog?" Lesson learned...leave comments so I know you care. :)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn straight it's been too long since your last post.Oh yeah, just like me you were too busy trying to become a father!!!!Dude,once you have the kid your peeps are gonna expect pics every week Bro!
Don't go so long between posts.

D (3 weeks behind ya) J

3/26/2008 3:55 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

I care! You're still on my blogroll, I just know to only click once every couple of weeks. ;)

Trying to become a father, YAY! Can't wait to come over and see THAT news on your blog!

4/08/2008 12:54 PM  

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